Yesterday, you turned one. O-N-E. That number is enough to make my head spin at all of the things that have happened in the last 365 days. One year ago, you were handed to me, a wrinkled, slimey, red bundle of pure heaven. I remember the moment I laid hands on you, and it was magical. Nothing in this life has ever compared to that moment. We'd waited so long for you to arrive, in fact, it seemed as though you'd never come. And then you came. And it seemed as though you'd always been here. You have changed so much this last year. So much, that I hardley recognize the little tiny bundle of baby in the pictures we took that day. You've developed into this wonderful and beautiful person, whose smile and laugh brighten any room.
You know how to tell jokes now... well, not really "tell" jokes, but you know what we find funny and you do those things to make us laugh. Just last week, on our road trip down to see Papa D in the hospital, you woke up in the middle of the night, 30 minutes before we got to Gram and Grandaddy's house. Those 30 minutes you spent entertaining us with a variety of raspberries and noises you've learned. Some were quite impressive! We laughed and laughed, and it was just what mommy and daddy needed on that last leg of the trip.
This past weekend, we celebrated your birthday. We had family over for cake and ice cream, and you had a blast with everyone. After a little while, though, you'd had enough of all the commotion, so we started on presents and then we ate cake. It took you a second to dive into the cake, but after a few small bites, you dove right in and smeared icing all over your face. :) It was a busy day full of excitement, and after cake, you crashed hard for a long and much needed nap.
As you were going to sleep, I sat there, holding you, and thought of all of the changes that have occured in the last year and about how much you've grown. I couldn't help but cry, not because I was sad that you'd grown up, but because of all the joy you have brought me. I've always known that I wanted to be a mother. And with your birth came the unexpected joy and fulfillment that I'd longed for all that time. You are my wish come true. I cannot imagine my life without you in it.
I love you more than I can express. Happy Birthday lil' man.
Such a nice post! I love all the cute pics! The cake smears are always so cute!
Happy Birthday Shepherd! (And Corinne!)
This was such a touching letter. Happy first birthday Shepherd!!!
Aww, happy birthday! He's too cute.
happy birthday both of you!
I cannot believe your son is ONE! Wow! I hope you're doing well, I imagine being a mom to a toddler, and being pregnant is NOT an easy feat!
Happy Birthday Shepherd!! At let me just say again how excited I am to be sharing this pregnancy with you as we shared our last!!! I can remember counting down til little Shepherd was born and now I'll be there in 6 months to count to your new wrinkled, slimey, red bundle of pure heaven.
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