Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Self Portriat of new camera
Originally uploaded by meandscreech.
We're having a wonderful time down in NC with family. It's amazing what being home will do for a tired spirit. I have to say that this Christmas has been by far our best Christmas yet. A combination of being home with family, Shepherd's first Christmas, and the kick-ass camera that my husband's family surprised me with (the new Nikon D40) (Yeah, I was totally shocked and surprised, a first, since I normally guess my gifts... it's a curse, I tell you). I'm so giddy about the new camera that I've been taking a gazillion pictures. You can see a sampling over at Flickr.

Despite all of that, my favorite part of Christmas has been being home with family. It's so wonderful to see Shepherd interact and play with everyone. He's been the center of attention, and totally loves it. He's been crashing hard for his naps since he's being worn out by climbing stairs, chasing cats, chasing the dog, and just having a blast with his new toys. We've just had a great time.

We hope that you and yours are having a wonderful Christmas... and have a Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...

What a great camera! I look forward to seeing more fancy pics on your blog.

My Kids Furniture

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful!