Monday, December 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by meandscreech.
It really is snowing!!! It really is snowing!!!! I can't believe it, it's snowing!!! I'm so excited, it's been for-e-ver since I saw snow (we got none in Raleigh last year). So I'm cuddled up on the sofa, reading blogs, watching the snow fall from the sky :)


Simona said...

Wow!It's everything beautiful! I'm from Naples (Italy) and I can see the snow on the Vesuvius only!!!!

Isabel said...

I admit, I love the look of the first snowfall of the season.

But after that...I hate, hate, hate snow.

Give me the rain in Seattle over the snow any day of the week.

Here's to being snuggled in!! I love that.

Erika said...

That explains weren't at work having to get home in it!! lol