Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Sad that I can't check my blogs or post anything new since I've been working since Monday. And today? First day I'm working at a place with internet. Probably shouldn't spend too much time on here, but just wanted to let folks know so they didn't think I've died or something.

Oh, and Forrest felt the baby kick for the first time ever! How cool is that?!

back to work!


Avorie said...

Very cool!

Isabel said...

That is so cool. I can't wait for that.

My Mom told me last week that when we was pregnant with us kids she would always hug up to my Dad so he could feel it. She said he loved that. Too cute!

Have a good week at work!

Reesh said...

I was just reading that in just a few short weeks we will be feeling the baby move less and less as he/she runs out of room in there. I have been enjoying the movemnet so much that it makes me sad to think soon it will be gone. I think we spend our whole pregnancy looking ahead that it's really important to just enjoy where you are at. So you and Forrest enjoy those belly kicks while they are still strong and plentiful...