Thursday, July 07, 2005

7 weeks and 4 days

-morning sickness (complete w/ nausea & vomiting)
-sore boobies
-mild occasional cramping
-zits, oooooh, the zits!!!

This weekend, things really began to kick into high gear. The nausea intensified, the throwing up began, and the boobs, Lord have mercy, the boobs!! Not only are they sore, but I could win a Dolly Parton Breast look-a-like contest!!! But as everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) so quickly tells me, "The worse you feel, the better the baby is" to which I respond, "mee meeee mee meee, mee meeeee mee meee me" mocking their well meaning, but redundant advice.

We had a blast though up in Boone. Nana, Papa D, the Daddy, and I went shopping at the baby outlets, and let me just say, Nana went crazy!!! We have the cutest, most adorable little clothes for the lil' Raspberry in my belly!! I keep pulling them out to look at them, they are just adorable!!! The Daddy and I have already put one of the onsies on a teddy bear, and laughed hysterically at ourselves and at how incredibly cute the bear looks with oversized baby clothes on.

The Daddy still hasn't heard back from one of his interviews in D.C. and it's about to drive us crazy. In the meantime, he's still applying at other studios hoping to find a good job in his field of study. We're both praying that things will happen at just the right time and that God will see us through. It's hard. We find ourselves shaking our fists and cursing at God one moment, and flat on our faces begging for his help the next. Manic Depresssive faith. But we've been through this before, and God has been faithful, so we simply wait on Him.

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