Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Crazy Busy

Well, things around here have slowly deteriorated into chaos what with the packing for the impending move and all. Our house is in shambles, and my internet connection dies tonight. Yes... I will be without the net as of 11:59pm tonight... unless I can find a connection to bootleg with our wireless card. Either that or I just have a new excuse to go to Panera.

Shepherd's been sick this past week too, which explains a lot of the previous entry, what with the lack of sleeping and the general fussiness. The worst part is that it doesn't seem to be getting any better, so we're back off to the doctor's office this morning. Then it's back to the chaos of packing and trying desperately to finish the laundry so we can pack it all up....


Isabel said...

Good luck with everything!

Reesh said...

Wow! I remember you packing and moving at the beginning of your last pregnancy too. Hopefully you won't have to move every time you get pregnant!! Good luck with everything and we'll see you on the other side!