Wednesday, November 29, 2006

6 weird things about me

Bunny over at Mother Bunny tagged me with this meme. It's a meme that I've been afraid of for a long time, because, truth be told, there are like 6 MILLION weird things about me, some of them so weird I fear you'll run screaming from your computer never to return to my site. So this will involve a LOT of self editing, but here goes nothing:

1.) I didn't get my first kiss until I was 18. Unless you count the stupid truth or dare "dare" that I had when I was 17, which was one of those, "Kiss your arch-enemy for 3 seconds" and ended up a tight lipped cringe-fest.

2.) My two front teeth are only half real. I was cursed blessed with an awe inspiring gap, for which I have photographic proof. The only problem is that my mouth was too small for braces (you could honestly see the tears forming in my orthodontists eyes when he told me this), so I was doomed to a lifetime of major gaping. That is until Junior year in high school, when the dentist I went to suggested bonding. He closed the gap between my teeth, and judging from the pictures that year, I was pretty happy with the result. You'd have thought looking through pictures of my childhood that I was the most depressed child ever, and that my junior year, they put me on some kind of great drugs... because from then on, I actually smile in pictures.

3.) I once took a picture of a bruise that I got in college because it looked like a fish. I still have that picture.

4.) I really, really enjoy popping zits. I get some sick pleasure out of doing it, and the worst part? The more that "pops" out, the cooler it is. Okay... 'nuff said

5.) I hate brushing my teeth. Okay, there I've said it. I truely hate it... I do it, because, you know, I'll get cavities if I don't, but I hate it... and sometimes... more than I care to admit... I simply "forget" to brush them.

6.) I have a third nipple hahaha, just seeing if you were really reading... :) The real one: I'm obsessed with Christmas music. I love it. I could listen to it year round if it didn't drive Forrest up the wall. I've actually snuck a listen when he's not home in the middle of summer. In fact, I'm actually listening to some right now. We have a rule now that I can't listen until after Thanksgiving... that's how much I love it... we have RULES...

And... I'm supposed to tag 6 people... I tag: Beth @, Sarah and the Goon Squad, Erika @ Effected, Chag @ Cynical Dad, Tony @ Creative Type Dad, Jonathon @ Flailing my Arms. That's six, right?? Three moms and three dads...


Anonymous said...

I'll give it a shot. I hate teeth brushing TOO!!!!!

Bunny said...

Hey, thanks for humoring me. It is so interesting to see what people come up with.

Anonymous said...

Cool! But I've done this before...
You can see it here:
5 Weird Things About Me

Anonymous said...

Right on! Another Christmas music junkie! Bill makes fun of me, but he enables my addiction by finding new CD's for me all year long. We have a very interesting holiday collection. I love it!

Childsplayx2 said...

Okay, I shouldn't have read #4 before having breakfast.

Anonymous said...

The zit thing is equally funny and gross.