Friday, June 09, 2006

Shepherd at the Beach

Oh, and of course... the beach :)


liz said...

this is adorable. yay for the beach. ya for the AWESOME hat. where did you find that?
and this is a totally dumb question i really ought to ask my pediatrician, but everyone has a different answer, i find i sometimes get better info from other mommies:
sunscreen for babies under 6 months?
we're hitting the beach next month and we sooo want to take henry to the beach. he's been blessed with my nearly-transluscent skin not his aunt's gorgeous olive complexion. this boy's gonna need spf 5000.

Isabel said...

I love watching video of my friends online. Hooray for youtube. (now if I could just get it to work on my blog and not just jack up my sidebar)!!

I looove the little hat.