Thursday, August 11, 2005

Elmo is possessed by the devil...

Last night, Forrest and I went to Baby's R Us for the fun of it. We enjoy playing with the strollers, cribs, etc. and plus, those baby clothes are just adorable! Anyways... we happened upon the toy section, where they had an assortment of Elmo dolls that sing and dance. Some of the more bizarre ones were, Chicken Dance Elmo, where one of the words Elmo sings sounds surprisingly like "cock". There's Potty Training Elmo, where Elmo sings of the joys of pooing in the potty... But perhaps the most demonic of them all was the "Shout!" Elmo Doll. At first I thought it was cute. Elmo sings, "It makes me want to shout!" and raises his hands a few times. But then, Elmo really gets into it, and performs something I've only seen in the The Exorcist. His arms turn FULL 360 degree circles, not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES... I ran away screaming. I fully expected green pea soup projectile vomit to come out of his mouth, or for the Elmo to break out into convulsions.... then again... if the "Shout!" Elmo Doll and the Tickle Me Elmo were accidentally combined... Exorcist Elmo!!!!


Forrest said...

She was born in the store? Wow...

Hahahaha, j/k. I just thought it sounded funny ;-)

Reesh said...

In response to your post about me being skinny and not wanting to post your own photos of your belly, please post them, I can't help being the size I am any more than you can help your size. I would love to see your belly and there is no way I'll be judging you on your size, in fact all I'll be doing is celebrating the wonderful, amazing journey we're both going thru...

Anonymous said...

Heard an AC/DC song yesterday, and it dawned on me... THIS is what Elmo would sound like grown up. AND he's FIRE RED!

But the Pooh-bah things are infinitely scarier! My kids and I try to press them all at once, so you get a loud chorus of "POOH_BAH! Pthhhhhhht!!", then the odd tribal dance they do.

Liz sent me...